OpenStack Packstack Installation with External Connectivity

Handy info, specifically in regards to network-scripts

all things open

Packstack makes installing OpenStack REALLY easy. By using the –allinone option you could have a working self-contained RDO installation in minutes (and most of those minutes are spent waiting for packages to install). However, the –allinone option really should be renamed to the –onlywithinone today, because while it makes the installation very simple it doesn’t allow for instances spun up on the resulting OpenStack environment to be reachable from external systems. This can be a problem if you are trying to both bring up an OpenStack environment quickly and demonstrate integration with systems outside of OpenStack. With a lot of help and education from Perry Myers and Terry Wilson on Red Hat’s RDO team I was able to make a few modifications to the packstack installation to allow a user to use the packstack installation with –allinone and have external access to the instances launched on the host. While I’m…

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